
Monday, August 29, 2011

Exciting Announcement! Part Deux!

Well dear readers, I have some EXCITING news to dish up and serve out,

J has been a busy man this past week what with organizing a scavenger hunt all over Boston...and a PROPOSAL to the funniest, most charming blogger. That's right ladies (and gentlemen, I know we have some menfolk reading along too), my cousin Briana is engaged! Mr. 3 and I got the news straight from the blogger herself on Saturday while we were shopping for our registry. We set up a skype feed right in front of the bridal registry (much to our consultant's surpise) so I could congratulate the happy couple and sneak a peek Briana's new sparkler. Mr. 3 and I are thrilled to pieces for them and cannot wait until we get together to celebrate! I wish them nothing but the best as they enjoy their engagement and start planning their wedding. Love is definitely in the air...congratulations to you two!

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