
Monday, August 22, 2011

Munchie Monday: Arnold Palmer Cocktails & Mocktails

So as a Southern lady, I dearly love sweet tea and homemade lemonade, either separately or mixed together for an Arnold Palmer. These make a great summer time drink to enjoy either by the water or on the back porch (or in my case in my 1 bedroom apartment in DC with the AC going full blast).

These are super easy to make and you can come up with many different variations. There's no real measurement here I usually do half and half, but if you like lemonade better use more of that, if you like sweet tea more, use more of that. If you'd like an alcoholic version I recommend using Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka. You can use the vodka in place of or to supplement regular sweet tea. If you are using it in place of regular sweet tea, I recommend making it 3/4 lemonade and 1/4 vodka to keep it drinkable. Firefly comes in regular tea, peach tea, or raspberry tea flavor. If you are watching your figure or hosting a girl's night, you can cut calories by using Crystal Light lemonade which also comes in a variety of flavors.

For a final touch or if you are making a bowl of punch or a pitcher of drinks for a party, cut up a lemon and float some slices around. You can also do this with raspberries or cut up fresh peaches. This concoction makes a cost effective party drink for baby showers, wedding showers, barbeques, girl's night, or dinner parties. It's cheap to make sweet tea and buy premade lemonade or Crystal Light. Firefly Vodka is also relatively inexpensive and a handle of it should cost $25 or less. You can make cocktails for less than $30 and mocktails for less than $10. I hope this recipe keeps you cool! Enjoy this drink and the final days of summer!

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