
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thrifty Thursday: Reuse Greeting Cards Part I

If you are like me, I HATE throwing cards away. I'm a total sucker for pretty cards and it seems like such a waste to toss them in the trash after you are done reading them. I know that I spend a lot of time in the card aisles trying to find the perfect card for the occasion, so I assume that everyone else has put a lot of thought into it too. I tend to keep my cards around for a few months after I receive them, either standing them on top of my TV or posting them on the fridge. Eventually, I toss them in my mail basket, because I still can't seem to throw them away. It takes a full-scale apartment purge for me to part with them and those only happen twice a year during my spring and fall cleaning spree when everything I've been hoarding for the past six months (i.e. clothes, beauty product samples, etc.) gets tossed out or donated to Goodwill.

FINALLY, I've come up with a few ideas for reusing the cards. I'll let you know how they go...but my first idea has been swiped from my dear Nana who loved to save $ anyway she could. Nana used to take her greeting cards and rip them in two, chucking the part with the sentimental message in the trash. Then she would keep the blank side from the left side of the card (which rarely gets written on) for making her "to do" and grocery lists. I especially like this idea for funny cards or anything without a pretty picture. I'm hoping this will also keep me from getting into trouble during the back to school season when I tend to stock up on post-its as I tend to lose control around anything related to paper and stationary.

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