
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reader Response

Our faithful reader, Nancy Jones, had some good insight on ways to find picture frames at a low cost. Such a great idea to get me started on my girly shopping decor! Here is her email:

Dear Briana---Loved ya'lls idea about framing shopping bags.  I have a few more frugal suggestions to add.  Frames can be purchased at yard sales, second hand stores, Dollar General, Wal-Mart.  I get my husband to spray paint them for me to match decor (men are so useful when it comes to that type of thing----they will also attach the wires and hang pictures---actually, they will do all the work!) . 

Thanks, Nancy! I will keep my eye out for frames. I agree that this is a great project for men to be involved - they can be so useful at times! And if any of you other lovely readers have suggestions/questions/ideas for Melinda and me, please either contact us via the comments section or email Melinda at poshpurpose (at) gmail (dot) com or me at bri (dot) poshpurpose (at) gmail (dot) com!

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