
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Pi Day + Exciting Announcement!

Happy Pi Day, y'all! It is March 14, or 3.14 :) The MIT math nerd in me loves pi day. I hope everyone celebrated with some pie! I was going to make a lemon merengue pie in honor of the occasion but I got too distracted by wedding stationary and other things.. check out my Pinterest boards to see why I am not a productive person!

Melinda and I have some exciting news regarding Posh Purpose. As you may have noticed from the new image to the right, we are now Southern Weddings Bridal bloggers! We are thrilled to be part of such a wonderful group of ladies - you should totally check out the other blogs on the list! We love wedding blogs of all kinds as they introduce us to fresh ideas :) Melinda and I love love LOVE Southern Weddings and check it every day for inspiration and general ooh and ahh-ing over the beautiful photographs and creative wedding ideas. As Melinda's wedding planning reaches breakneck speeds and she starts crafting more than sleeping, our crafty blog posts will grow. And I am giving Mother and myself the rest of March to consider all our options for my wedding so that come April, we can make firm decisions without feeling any regret! We have commitment issues when it comes to overall wedding schemes..

As always, feel free to send us some love, advice, ideas, questiones, etc! We <3 our readers!

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