
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Maid of Honor Cards

Last week, I received a card from Melinda. I was super excited to see that it was a Maid of Honor card and a lovely note on the inside! Of course I said yes :) Melinda will be my Matron of Honor, since she will be married by my wedding date, and my little sister is my Maid of Honor. I also have six other bridesmaids and a junior bridesmaid, plus two ring bearers and two flower girls. No worries, the church is large.

Melinda and I spend countless hours on gchat and weekend texting/cell minutes going over all the wedding decisions we have made, are currently making, and need to make. I know my little sister appreciates all the effort Melinda is putting into my wedding since Natalia is in college and does not have much time for anything other than studying (and sorority/fraternity/miscellaneous social events). However, I did not send out cute cards or anything like that for my bridesmaids, honor or otherwise. I just asked/informed :) 

Did you send and/or receive cards or any other token regarding bridesmaid status? Or were you more casual about it? 

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