
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rehearsal Dinner Bouquet

As Briana mentioned in last week's post, we headed down to my hometown for my bridal shower.  I dearly love a good shower - the food, the little old ladies, and the frilly-ness of a shower are so much fun.  I think everyone had a great time eating bacon collard dip, drinking sangria, eating delicious food, and ending the meal with PINK velvet cupcakes!

One of my favorite traditions (and I'm not sure if this is just a Southern thang), is the bridal bouquet made out of  all the pretty ribbons used to decorate the shower gifts.  Whenever I go to a shower I always try to really dress up the package with beautiful high end ribbons and bows to add some oomph to the bouquet.  The bride then keeps the bouquet to carry at the rehearsal dinner.  Briana graciously agreed to arrange my ribbon bouquet for me and she did a great job!!!!

Post Shower Silliness
Please excuse lack of makeup.
Pretty Pretty
I'm so excited! I'm trying to figure out if there is a way I can keep it/showcase it in my apartment after the wedding.  What do y'all think?  I LOVE it!

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