
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Big News!

Hey y'all! I mentioned previously that I may have some big news and now that I finally have a moment to blog, I can share with y'all. J got a new job and just moved out there. New location: Las Vegas!

It is not exactly what I had in mind, but the most important thing to me was no more winter and Vegas definitely fits that description and J is super excited about his new project while at Romotive! I will be moving out there after the wedding and am definitely looking forward to this new adventure in our lives. It will be my third corner of the country, since I've already lived in Florida and New England. However, I want to make it very clear to everyone that I have no intention of rounding it out and moving to the Northwest at any point - too cold, too cold!

The past two weeks have been absolutely insane with all the packing and cleaning. I did not have much up in Boston, but J had lived in the same apartment for like three years or something and I'm sure you can imagine how much stuff he had accumulated. I really really hate packing, especially for crosscountry moves. But I decided to be positive and focus on all of his "man" things that I could finally donate/sell/throw away :)

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