
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Guest List Google Doc

My Save the Date post got me thinking about how people organize the massive beast that is the guest list. Since I have three people working on the guest list - Mom, J, and myself - it made perfect sense to create a google doc so we can all edit whenever it is convenient. I created this template for myself since it organizes the guests perfectly for us - feel free to download and alter things as it suits you! It has a page for the Bride and for the Groom, and on each page there is a section for family, friends, and mom's friends. I have a summation for each page and a total on the bride page. I keep adding in columns for various things so that I only have one location to check when I have a question. I hope this doc will keep me organized about gifts and thank you notes, too! We are having the gifts shipped out to Josiah in Vegas, so he will have to open them (sad, I know but he will do it over facetime so I can enjoy the gift opening - then he will close it up so I can reopen when I get there) and then type the description of the gift in the doc so that I can write the thank you note.

Of course, my template won't work as well for people who have a lot of shared friends or those who have a guest list with minimal parental additions, but it works great for us. Did you make your own guest list doc on google docs? Or did you go another route? We would love to hear about what works for you!

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