
Monday, October 29, 2012

Posh Purpose on Twitter

Some of you may remember the hashtag #melweddingupdate and all the many tweets directed towards President Obama regarding #weddinggate. We are now introducing #briweddingupdate for the final countdown (33 days, y'all!) so head on over to @PoshPurpose to stay up to date on all the wedding crazy! Hopefully we won't need to bring back #weddinggate - should be unlikely as Presidential campaign activities will be totally over by December 1.

Here are some of our fave tweets from #melweddingupdate:

Btw 7 am wake up call for a 7 pm wedding. Woot.
Sweet groom arranged for manicures and a ride but forgot to share the destination! No worries, we are en route now :)
Mel almost wet her bridal panties because she was stuck behind the motorcade. Thanks, 
Word of the wedding week: damn 
"anyone want some eczema cream?" 
Storage company gave the groom a large unit overnight free of charge. So thankful! 

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