
Monday, December 10, 2012

Changing Your Name

The time has finally come for me to make it official with the law and change my name.  Although we got married in July, I had so many travel reservations and plane tickets in my maiden name that I didn't want to change it until after I finished all of my 2012 travels (no reason to give those creepers at TSA a reason for a full body search).

Now I'm trying to decide what to change my name I keep my middle name or my maiden name?  I think my middle name is quite pretty, but I feel like keeping my maiden name is 1) something women do to support women's lib and 2) might make things easier in the transition over to married lady (i.e. using old checks or documents with my maiden name still on them would be easier to use if my driver's license and social security card at least still have my maiden name in it).

There's also the unfortunate problem with my new acronymn.  MCW vs. MAW.......

What do you think?  Any opinions?  It's pretty much a one shot deal, so I need advice!  Leave your comments!


  1. My vote is for Melinda Caroline Woodberry. It will look better on stationary, sounds much prettier than Melinda Able Woodberry, and frankly who cares about women's lib when it comes to monogramming a purse.
    I should tell you I did not change my name until five years ago after Social Security caught with me and I was forced to make the change.

  2. If it is easier to have your legal name contain Abel, you could hyphenate. Or really just do whatever you want for the legal stuff, but def go by Melinda Caroline Woodbury. Melinda Caroline is just too pretty to abandon! There is no reason you have to introduce yourself by your legal name - your friends don't care what the government thinks you are called.


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