
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Proposal Anniversary

J proposed to me this day, two years ago. It was exactly one day before the one year anniversary of us meeting each other. We were actually engaged for longer than we dated. While I don't have any pictures of us from that day, I thought I would share one from a few weeks earlier. Love him!

Friday, August 23, 2013

New Favorite Blog

Melinda introduced me to my new favorite blog Young House Love. If you are unfamiliar, it is written by an extremely cheery and positive couple as they renovate their home. The style is not always what I would choose, but their upbeat attitudes and fearless approach to projects is truly inspiring. I hope you can get inspired, too!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Birthday Party!

Today is my niece's 10th birthday. She is the youngest of the family's three babies born in the same year - I can't believe how old they are! Usually she has a pineapple upside down cake for her birthday party, but this year she chose a wet cake from our local Cuban bakery. Delicious!

Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

This will be the last kid birthday of the year until December 27, when my nephew turns 11 (the oldest of the three mentioned above).

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Nancy Drew

I love Nancy Drew. When I was young, I obsessively read those yellow hardback mysteries. The only way I could stay entertained in antique and thrift stores was by pouring through the book section looking for a Nancy Drew that I didn't already own. Good times.

I have a confession to make. I play Nancy Drew computer games with my sister. We are both in our 20s. We have no shame, though, because now we are living out our childhood sleuthing dreams. You should definitely check out these games if you are looking for a young mystery lover; it is perfect for preteens, but is great for girls of all ages :)