
Friday, October 25, 2013


I love Bloglovin' - do any of you use it? I have a terrible habit of not being very thorough when I am checking my favorite blogs every day. Sometimes I even forget that a blog exists for weeks! But then I discovered Bloglovin'. It is so easy to use. All you do is create a quick profile and then add your favorite blogs. You can add absolutely any blog! Bloglovin' then populates your home page with all the new blog posts from each of your blogs and marks each one as read when you finish reading it. I love the streamlined format and how little work I have to do to read each new blog post - no more checking blogs that haven't been updated that day!

You can follow Posh Purpose here (and in the obnoxious links above), and see which blogs I love here. One particular blog to note is my sister in law's Trial and Error Creativity. She and her husband just bought a new house so now is a great time to start reading about her home decor projects.

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