
Monday, December 2, 2013

Cheap Mascara

I am reposting this blog article because Melinda had the genius idea of adding a picture of the mascara on my eyelashes. 

I am a mascara junkie. I can't go without it! I have tried all different brands and have decided to share my experiences with you, but in smaller posts rather than one extremely long chronology of the various tubes I have purchased. Melinda will also be sharing her own experiences, which is great because we have totally different eyelashes. Just for reference, mine are already on the long and thick side and they curl with just mascara (no need for the curling tool). I know, I know.. I'm lucky :) If you want to read other posts in this series, click here.

Info on picture above: the only makeup I have on above is tinted moisturizer and Urban Decay eyeshadow in Sin. I only applied one coat and did not have to use an eyelash brush. However, sometimes I am messy and end up using a clean toothbrush to comb out the lashes.

Let's start the series off with good news. Cheap mascara can make you happy! While I love to browse and purchase from Sephora's mascara bar, I have decided that mascara is one cosmetics area I can spend a bit less. My current favorite cheap mascara is Maybelline Colossal Volum' Express.

It goes on smooth, catches all your lashes, and lasts all day. That last bit is very important when it comes to buying cheap mascara. I actually went back to my old tube of this stuff when I was extremely dissatisfied with another cheap mascara I bought. That's right - old Colossal Volum' Express is better than a new tube of something else.

1 comment:

  1. I hope we don't get bombarded with hate mail for your "long thick eyelashes"....says the jealous cousin who looks practically eyeball bald without mascara :)


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