
Friday, November 22, 2013

Melinda's Family Thanksgiving Traditions

Growing up, our Thanksgiving traditions changed a few times.  For my early years, I spent Thanksgiving at home with my Mom, Dad, older brother, and grandma.  After my brother and grandma passed away, my mom's best friend started asking us over to her house to do Thanksgiving with their family, extended family, and the occasional other friend.  After mom's friend had a sudden illness, Thanksgiving became just about my Mom, Dad, and me.  Last year and this year, Mr. 3's mom and stepdad have hosted Thanksgiving and invited my parents.  Because our family traditions have changed so much, I'd like to say what my favorite traditions were during the times we practiced them.

1. Mom's 1970's pilgrim tablecloth - White with 70s brown and orange pilgrims hanging out - always put on the table when Thanksgiving was held at our house (except for the one year when Mom tried to switch it up and she says I got a bit temperamental with her about it)

2. Pickle platter - anything pickled or brined and it get dished up and served out on my mom's glass relish dish (it's shaped like a leaf), lots of fancy stuffed olives (blue cheese is my fav), pickled okra, pickled peaches (when we can find them...let me know if you have a source, they are soooooo good), my dad's homemade pickled green tomatoes (these are a more recent and welcome addition to the platter)

3. Two kinds of pie and only these two kinds - mincemeat and pumpkin

4. Dad's cranberry relish - made from blender pulverized whole cranberries, orange, and a whole lot of sugar - no cooking required and always served up in the same beautiful glass pedestal bowl

5. Taking a morning walk with Mr. 3 and his mom on Thanksgiving Day - I know we have only done this one time, but I'm hoping it will be a tradition anytime we have Thanksgiving with them.  I love getting up and walking in the fall.  The area of NC that they live in is extremely walkable and pretty.

6. Post-Thanksgiving binge - reading sales circulars for Black Friday shopping and putting on my fat pants.

Isn't it funny how our favorite memories can be tied to certain things?  No matter where I have been spending Thanksgiving day or who it has been with, I've always been grateful to spend time with my loved ones!

Psst...if you missed Briana's family traditions, check 'em out here

1 comment:

  1. I totally forgot about the pickle platter! We have one, too. Must be a Jones sisters thing :)


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