
Monday, December 16, 2013

Beating Winter Weight Gain Update

Just wanted to give y'all a quick update after writing my Beating Winter Weight Gain article.  I've successfully survived two Thanksgiving weekends with family (the first in NC for real Thanksgiving and the second during the following weekend in southwest VA...all we do is eat), one business holiday luncheon, tons of meals out while on the road and during my Christmas shopping, and my own Christmas brunch that I hosted yesterday (which you may have seen Instagram pictures on that, but more details to come later in the week).  I haven't gained any weight...hurray!  Now it's time for the home stretch....a week traveling to southwest VA, NC, and back followed by New Year's Eve.

How's everyone else doing?  Any luck or tips or tricks they have picked up?  Let me know!

Update: I maintained my weight through out the season! Read about which of my original ideas worked for me and which ones I abandoned here.

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