
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hoover Dam

It was about a year ago that J and I started discussing the next city in which we would live. We were currently in Las Vegas, and the company where J worked was strongly considering moving to San Francisco. I am a Florida girl 100% so the idea of moving even farther away from my family was not very appealing. I didn't care much for Vegas, either, but I figured we should make the most of it while we were still out west. Here are a few of our pictures from the Hoover Dam, which was conveniently located about 20 minutes outside Las Vegas. Excuse my lack of photography skills, this is all done via iPhone and very little patience on my part.

This is a picture of the bridge that now goes over the Hoover Dam. We later drove over that bridge on our way to Phoenix to visit family. I took this picture while standing on the Arizona side of the dam.

Each side of the bridge has these towers that you can see below. One has the clock for Nevada time and the other has the clock for Arizona time. The architecture for the whole dam structure is just so cool. Everything is very art deco, which is one of my favorite styles.

Being the daughter of a civil engineer and the wife of a mechanical engineer, I spent a lot of time looking at this overflow thing. As you can see from the different colored stone, the water levels haven't been high enough for the overflow mechanism to be used for quite some time.

 This giant hole was near the overflow thing above. I have no idea what it does, but the hole is HUGE.

I heard the bathrooms were original so I had to check them out. This picture below is the entrance, but you have to climb the stairs to get to the real bathroom area. I just loved it all.

And this is the floor of the room I just showed you. Isn't it wonderful?

Melinda is sick so she will be taking a break from blogging to get some rest. Feel better soon, lovely cousin!

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