
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Posh Purpose Recipe: Balsamic Vinegar Spritzer

I recently went to an in-store tasting event at one of my favorite local stores - Under the Olive Tree.  I've blogged about how wonderful their products are before, but they also host a great event with super tasty Mediterranean inspired food.  At their recent party, they made a delicious drink using club soda, lemon white balsamic vinegar, and fresh lemons.  They called it their "non-alcoholic version of lemoncello" and served it in big pitchers.  I asked one of the daughters who works in the store for the recipe and she said they used three cups of vinegar to one two-liter bottle of club soda!  That is a tooooon of vinegar.  I've recreated the recipe for an individual serving.

Posh Purpose Balsamic Vinegar Spritzer

-1 can of club soda
-1/8 of a cup of flavored balsamic vinegar (I suggest fruity flavors like orange or lemon which should be available in most grocery stores.  I've tried mango and fig from Under the Olive Tree.  Next stop, blackberry ginger and pineapple.)

Just mix and enjoy!

I love this sweet/tart drink!  You can adjust your vinegar depending on how tart you like it.  By picking flavored vinegars, they aren't as sour as a traditional plain balsamic vinegar.  I know it's a bit odd to use vinegar to flavor a drink, but it's about 60 calories using this ratio and creates a lot of taste without the artificial sweeteners or sugar.  There are also a number of health benefits that I read about adding vinegar to your diet (here, here, and here) that makes me want to try to find new ways to incorporate it into my diet. If you are trying to cut calories or break off a nasty soda habit, I recommend that you give this a try!  I plan on drinking it a lot this year and also serving it in big pitchers when people come over for dinner.

Give it a go and let us know what you think! 

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