
Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Break Days 1 & 2


Melinda flew in Sunday afternoon and got here in time to celebrate J's birthday with a delicious meal of biscuits and homemade sausage gravy, scrambled eggs, and fresh strawberries (I was in a breakfast for dinner making mood).  Melinda and I spent about an hour slaving over a hot stove stirring gravy and cooking eggs, but we had a great time catching up before we sat down for dinner.  J's brother and his wife were in town for a visit and my parents also joined in on the birthday dinner.  We spent the next 3 hours "visitin'" and generally, cracking ourselves up.


Melinda usually stays at my mom's house when she comes for a visit (as there is no room in this inn for her unless she would like to park it for a week on the couch), so I went over in the morning to visit before whisking her away to Alligator Alley, a local antique warehouse, for a bit of vintage Pyrex shopping (Melinda is determined to find a vintage refrigerator dish for keeping her bacon grease).  We found lots of pretty Pyrex but no refrigerator dishes.  We also found some not so pretty things (check out our instagram and twitter feeds on our right sidebar for the crazy stuff we ran across).  Melinda has her eye on quite a few things at the antique store but is holding out on making any purchases until she makes the rounds at the local thrift stores.  I spotted two really pretty lamps for $  But they are missing lampshades and we couldn't plug them in to test them.  We also ran across this really pretty pitcher and have added it to our list of things to keep an eye on:

And as a bonus, here are some lovely hollowed out lady heads. I suppose they are for those who dream of having flowers grow out the top of their head. Unless you are a nun, in which case you get to keep your skull but not your neck or spinal cord.

Next up - Habitat run tomorrow and probably massive amounts of strawberry eating.  I bought 8 lbs. of them in honor of Melinda's arrival (she can't control herself around berries).

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