
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My DIY Travel Bucket List Project

I've been wanting to create a travel bucket list for Mr. 3 and me.  I didn't want to make it into a google doc where it gets forgotten or slap it on the fridge where it will inevitably fall on the kitchen floor.  I also wanted to make something that would let us see it everyday to remind us of our goals so that we don't forget as the years go by.  Mr. 3 had a shadow box frame from Pottery Barn at his old bachelor pad that we hadn't found a use for just yet.  I decided to find map themed paper and write out each place that we want to travel to on our travel bucket list.  I found a few sheets of scrapbook paper with a travel theme for about 59 cents each at Michaels.

I used my paper cutter to make lots of strips of paper for each destination.

Mr. 3 and I had a marathon conversation one night about all the places we wanted to visit and I took a navy blue pen and wrote one destination on each paper strip.

I decided that I wanted them to look like little flags, so I found some small sewing scissors and cut a triangle out of each strip to make a flag.

I ordered a box of multi-colored map pins from Amazon and arranged them alphabetically for domestic and foreign travel.

I left a little bit of room on each flag so that I can go back and write the month and year we checked a destination off the list.  The shadow box has a stand which makes it easy to display in our living room.

This was a super cheap DIY for me, I think I invested maybe $5 in the project because I already had the shadow box, paper cutter, and markers.  Target has similar shadow boxes available if you would like to make your own travel bucket list display.  If you want to make a similar project, keep a few extra flags for future destinations.

I like looking over and figuring out where Mr. 3 and I might travel in the next few years.  Right after I finished this project, Mr. 3 and I decided we want to check Maine off of our list next summer.   While we are a young couple on a budget, it's fun to dream and make plans with each other for future adventures.  I really encourage everyone to find a way to tastefully display a travel bucket list somewhere in their home to remind them of their dreams.  Anyone else have a travel bucket list?  Are we missing any place spectacular?  Let me know!

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