
Friday, May 16, 2014

Weekend Plans

Briana is off to Ohio to visit J's family for the weekend.  I think she plans on doing some thrift store shopping and also checking out some fabric stores (she informed me today that she is seriously lacking in options in her town).  Besides hittin' up zumba class and gettin' my hair did, I'm hoping to get over to Home Depot to grab some pots to plant mint, basil, and hot pepper plants for my summer "garden" on our patio.  I probably won't get around to planting this weekend, because I've got some ideas to spruce up your typical terracotta pots (stay tuned!).  I'm also planning on making my first angel food cake of the season in my new pan for Bible study on Sunday if I can find decent berries or peaches (yay for fruit season!).  I also have an urge to go thrifting, so I'm going to see what is close by in D.C. that might be worth checking out.  Other than that, I think my allergies have finally subsided enough for us to enjoy some outdoor weather and go for a walk or sit outside for dinner.  Hope you do the same!  Have a great weekend everyone!  Let us know what fun plans you have going on this weekend!

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