
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Best Jelly Donut Ever

Now that I am back in the land of wifi and cell reception, I would like to publicly thank Melinda for keeping the blog rolling all by herself. I was in Kentucky for my cousin's wedding and learned that T-Mobile no longer believes in mountains. I had hardly any reception! That is especially odd, considering I texted my friends constantly while in high school and that involved a T-Mobile phone. I would not have survived more than a few hours without texting at that point in my life!

My mom and I had a ton of fun visiting with family, eating good food, and sightseeing in rural Georgia. I plan on sharing the good times with y'all over the coming days - just in time for you to plan a road trip during the hottest part of the year! My timing is always perfect. For now though, we will discuss the world's best jelly donut.

forgive the lack of staging and styling - one cannot afford to waste time in moments like this

I don't bother with those powdered sugar covered jelly donuts, but when my mom's cousin Lloyd introduced me to this masterpiece, I was in love. This beautiful frosting covered donut is handmade at Amon's Sugar Shack in Somerset, Kentucky. There is no official website for this family run business, but they do have a facebook page. You can find far more info in this blog post, though. Southern Living has written about Amon's Sugar Shack twice, so you know it must be good.

I have actually never been inside. The one time I stopped by myself, the store was closed, but Lloyd is so good to bring the sugary goodness home. Ugh I wish I had one right now! The jelly is slightly tart and not overly sweet, which is important when eating that pile of delicious frosting at the same time. The donut base is just your basic unglazed donut, but it will be the best unglazed donut you will ever experience. I can't say enough good things about this jelly donut, so I will leave you with the knowledge that I ate two with no regrets.

So now you know what to do if you ever find yourself near Somerset. The town sits on US-27, so make a detour and try a donut! Or possibly any of their other menu items! And let us know if you do, because I have only ever eaten the jelly donuts.

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