
Friday, September 12, 2014

Bits from Behind the Scenes: Carpets & Tea Carts

Mr. 3 and I signed a renewal lease for our apartment complex this past weekend. On one hand, we are disappointed that my job search in Richmond hasn't worked out, but, on the other, we are glad to stay in our apartment which I've enjoyed decorating and turning into our home.  When we signed the paperwork, my super helpful leasing agent said she could snag us free carpet cleaning since we were renewing the lease.  Um, what? A rental company offered something for free?  I quickly responded "Yes!" before she could change her mind.  I've been on top of wine stains and dropped food when they've happened at our parties (or you know, takeout in front of the TV).  However, during Mr. 3's bourbon party in January, we had an unfortunate incident where the sofa table behind the couch, which was holding two hurricanes with lit candles, tumbled over flinging white wax aaaaall over the carpet.  Vacuuming the dried wax did not work and I hadn't tried anything else to get the wax up, so, I hoped that the carpet cleaning would take care of the problem for me.

I spent Wednesday night and Thursday morning piling furniture in the kitchen and bathrooms because the cleaners won't move furniture.

I was told that the carpets would be dry by the time I got home, but no such luck.  After realizing that none of the furniture could be moved back in place, I suddenly had the urge to potty...sooooo I climbed over a formal dining chair and wedged my knees under the tea cart (which I use as a makeup table) I'd stowed away in my bathroom.

After that enlightening experience, I realized my food choices for dinner were going to be limited to whatever I could grab in the sliver sized opening of the fridge.  Luckily, that was hummus (instead of some suspect fruit that I've been meaning to throw away) and I contorted myself to grab some pita chips.  Also, no dice on the wax removal.  Looks like I'll be spending some quality time behind the couch with ice cubes and a scraper, which I have unsuccessfully avoided until now.  Glamorous, no?  Needless to say, I'm adding this experience to my list of reasons against wall-to-wall carpet.

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