
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thrift Store Finds

Today's thrift store finds shows some of the things Mother and I bought last week. We left with a lot more than I have here as it was an extremely successful trip (or extremely unsuccessful, depending on how you look at it). I can't show everything because either I didn't snap a picture of it or it is going to be a Christmas gift this year. But here are some of the exciting things that came home with us.

This antique mirror had been sitting in Habitat long enough for both Mom and I to admire it more than once. Even though the original $30 price tag had not been reduced, Mom finally found a reason to buy it. My little sister doesn't have a mirror in her apartment bedroom and this one is perfect to set on top of her dresser.

Aren't these chairs great? Mom took home a set of four, all of which have caning in perfect condition. Each chair was priced at $30 but our good friends at Habitat gave Mom a buy three, get one free deal. She is going have the seats recovered but I'm not sure if she is changing the wood or not.

This adorable chair was only $10, but dropped to $8 thanks to a 20% off chairs discount. Mom is recovering this seat as well (the fabric is dirty and worn). She might also repaint, but the black wood is in good shape so she might leave it. The lower back is my favorite part!

Habitat had a pile of these pineapple mirrors (among many other things) donated by one of the Disney hotels undergoing renovation. They were priced at $15 each, but Mom and I bought six total for $10 each. I took two of them home (well not really.. they are in Mom's warehouse) because I thought they would be perfect for my version of this lavender and gold guest bathroom inspiration picture. The frames are solid wood and will eventually be turned gold, unless I change my mind before buying a house. I also bought a mirror about 5 feet tall and 4ish feet wide for $20. It and tons of matching mirrors were donated at the same time as the pineapple mirrors. Not many had sold, which is crazy considering the frames are also solid wood, so my Habitat friend dropped the price from $30 when we asked. Clearly the lesson of this thrift store finds post is that it never hurts to ask for a better price! And to be friendly with the workers/volunteers and to shop often.

Want to see more thrift store finds? We have a whole category just for that! We would love to see your finds, so feel free to share in the comments section. Or holler at us on twitter or instagram and hashtag it #ThriftStoreFinds.

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