
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Box Wine...It Gets A Bad Rap

Mr. 3 and I went over to his best friend's house recently for dinner and were asked to bring wine.  Since it was Mr. 3's best friend and he has to love us anyways, we decided to do an experiment and pick up boxed wine to try.  After much perusing at Total Wine (and cashier who told us to buy based on what she sees scanned most across her lane...which may or may not be the best suggestion), we settled on Bota Box.

Bota Box
Image Source: Total Wine
We bought the Pinot Grigio and the Zinfandel to try...that's right 8 bottles of wine, and 2 spigots for a party of four.  Good thing about boxed wine is it will keep for a long time since the box is designed to keep air out so we didn't have to worry about it going bad.

Mr. 3 is a Zinfandel fan...he likes spicy wine full of tannins or pepper which is what this type of wine is all about, but I can't stand it.  He was overall pretty impressed and said he would purchase again.

I tried the Pinot Grigio and I loved it.  Usually, I think this type of wine can be extremely tart and acidic.  This was a nice change, very mellow.  I'm no wine snob (hah, as evidenced by this post), so I can't comment on all the notes, but I found it extremely drinkable.  All four of us said they would drink it at a party.

For $15.99 for 4 bottles, I would definitely recommend it for parties.  However, I would not serve it in it's original box.  Even though I like the contents, the presentation is a little off putting.  You could use it as a part of a sangria recipe and serve it in a beautiful pitcher.

Luigi  Bormioli Barrel Pitcher
Image Source: Bloomingdales could set out carafes if you want to serve the wine straight.

1 for $4.99 or 12 for $59.99
Bormioli Rocco Misura Carafe
Image source: Bed Bath & Beyond

Anyone else tried Bota Box or other boxed wine?  Would you serve it at a party?

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