
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Creamer

I'm super obsessed with Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte and I remember getting my first one of the season (when it was still 90 degrees out and I was running around in shorts and flip flops).  However, at $5 each, it's an expensive habit even if you are only getting one once-ish a week ($25 = gas $) and let's face it, who just gets one a week?  People with epic restraint, which doesn't happen to be me.

Pinterest to the rescue!  I found this pin and accompanying recipe for Pumpkin Spice Latte Creamer.

Source: Shugary Sweets
I followed the simple instructions which basically involve making sure you don't burn your cream.  I switched out the full fat sweetened condensed milk for fat free.  Making this switch saved 3 g. of fat and 20 calories per serving.  I like that the recipe was so easy, it made a good sized batch, and it had way fewer chemicals than something like International Delight.

I'm storing mine in a glass bottle with an airtight seal.  I found mine at Home Goods for $4.99 and it fits in the door.  Although the bottle was cheap, the recipe was a bit pricey for coffee creamer.

Cream: $2.99
Canned Pumpkin: $2.79
Sweetened Condensed Milk: $3.19
Spices: already had cinnamon on hand and substituted allspice with nutmeg
Total: $8.97-ish

Luckily, I had enough leftover cream and pumpkin to make another pasta recipe, so it wound up being a shared cost.  I have been pouring a bit in my nespresso every morning and it's obviously not the same as a PSL, BUT it's enough to tide me over and keep my PSL habit down.

Are you as big a fan as I am of the pumpkin spice latte?  Would this recipe work for you?


  1. Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Latte is better!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Dunkin Donuts is also a yummy treat, but I have to make a special trip across town to find me one of those (out of sight, out of mind)...unlike Starbucks where I can't swing a cat without hitting one in DC.


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