
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve!

I hope everyone is got all their shopping done yesterday and is able to enjoy their time with families today! I've been enjoying some egg nog and catching up with my North Carolina girl friends (which I really needed time to do!).   I'm writing this post in the car on our way to lunch with Mr. 3's parents.  We have a few stops (no major shopping left!) to make after lunch and then it's on to church service with my parents.  We have an unusual tradition that's developed over the years and we will head over to town for a Mexican dinner post-Christmas service (salsa and guac = festive colors and super super yummy in my tummy).

If you are also headed to church tonight, be sure to check out our what to wear article.  We've also got a few recipes to try if you need some ideas for Christmas brunch.  If you are doing some last minute shopping, here's our guide on stocking stuffers which also make great last minute gifts.  Stay safe and enjoy your time with your families!  Merry Christmas!

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