
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Melinda's Fantasy Wish List

We're continuing on with our fantasy wish lists and I'm starting mine off with this super fun BMW convertible.  I'd probably be happy with any BMW, but this is their top of the line convertible in a great color.  Of course, I'd need a vat of luxurious sunscreen to go with it since I always, always burn (too bad I can't add magical, melanin producing skin to my fantasy list...I would if I could, but this doesn't seem to exist; and, therefore, I have no picture to post).

650i xDrive BMW Convertible
Image Source: BMW
I chaperoned Briana on a school trip to Europe once and we spent a couple of quick days touring Paris, but not actually staying inside Paris.  So I'd love a trip to the Four Seasons for New Year's!

Four Seasons Paris
Image Source: Four Seasons
Mostly, so I can take a bath in this tub....

Presidential Suite Bathroom
Image Source: Four Seasons

I'm taking note from Briana's Fantasy Wish List and consulting the Tiffany Blue Book for all things sparkly.  I have a bit of an obsession with Art Deco period and I'm in absolute L-O-V-E with this cuff:
Deco Fan Bracelet
Source: Tiffany
I'd love one to be one of those fabulous, ritzy ladies who can afford fresh flowers every week a la Victoria Grayson from Revenge (except without all the weird, twisty plots involving blown up planes and beau coup of backstabbing).

Weekly Flower Delivery
Source: H.Bloom

And finally, a little piece of land in Big Sur, CA so I could be close to San Francisco and the Napa and Sonoma Valleys, build my dream home, and look at this everyday!

Big Sur, CA
Image Source: Sotheby's

Did we miss and truly fabulous things to put on our lists? Let us know!

Enjoy this post? You can check out Briana's fantasy wish list, too!

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