
Monday, March 3, 2014

2014 Goals Update

Since March just started, it is time for me to update how February went for my 2014 goals.

Beauty: I have been not been doing much with my hair, but I have been shading in my eyebrows with dark eyeshadow! It is my new favorite makeup habit. I just tried using corn starch as dry shampoo this morning (more on that later), but since it is March I suppose that technically doesn't count for this update.

Health: Still going to zumba and enjoying Florida produce. J grilled onions the other night that were grown in the strawberry fields. They were sweet like a vidalia, but the flavor was a bit different. I don't know how to describe it, but you should take an opportunity to try the onions if you can.

Finance: J and I had enough income to cover both February's living expenses and the expenses in January that we did not yet cover - very exciting! His company now has two long term projects along with a few short term prospects. This is great news for growing the company, but it also means J is a lot busier with work. We will still continue budgeting carefully but we are very optimistic.

Spiritual: I'm pretty sure we didn't attend a Sunday church service once in February. Oops. And we are already off to a bad start for March since we skipped yesterday as well.

Creative: I bought a lamp from Habitat for a new project, but I am actually making progress on this one! I have purchased some supplies and the lamp has been dismantled. My gallery wall is still coming along slowly; I keep adding to my frame collection almost every time I go thrifting. I have also recruited my niece to help out with the chairs, but we are notoriously late about everything so I won't count that as progress at all.

Intellectual: I posted about my February reading already, but since then I finished another Sherlock Holmes book. I haven't started the next one yet, but I will this week. I also am learning accounting and how to use Quickbooks for the companies J and I have. Accounting is not much fun, but it is important for running a successful business. My dad has been a ton of help in getting our system set up and answering all my questions. Google is also an awesome resource for both accounting and Quickbooks itself. Yay internet.

Blog: I am still keeping up with sharing my thrift store finds. I also reorganized our post categories to be more concise and appropriate for the direction we are taking Posh Purpose. You can find them on the right hand side, under Popular Posts. Melinda and I have a few very important topics we want to blog about in the future. We hope to get a lot accomplished during our spring break!

Want to read about other months? Here is the January update!

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