
Monday, March 31, 2014

Great Weekend!

I had a wonderful weekend. This Saturday was the Ladies Tea at my church. The theme this year was decades, so volunteers teamed up to put on a fashion show demonstrating styles of the past. Mrs. Loveless, a family friend and wonderful seamstress, asked me to be her model for the 1960s. Of course I said yes - I can't resist playing dress up!

Mrs. Loveless made a minidress for me in the style of what she wore in high school during the 60s. She made all her own clothes during that time and also did updos for all her girlfriends. I was totally up for having my hair styled huge and I was not disappointed by her talents. Shockingly enough, the updo only took her 15-20 minutes! I wonder if she would do my hair on a weekly basis..

during my model walk for the tea

hair aftermath - J takes blurry pictures

Yesterday, I met up with two of my sisters and their kids (plus a brother-in-law) for a lake day. I am so sorry for those of y'all still suffering through winter; spring is happening here in Florida! The younger kids played in the water while we sunned ourselves. I eventually had to move into the shade to avoid burning (pretty sure my back still got burnt), but I am definitely less pale than before!

my nephew playing water chauffeur for his sister and cousin

baby J is still figuring out hills but managed to not drop her cracker

bunch of monkeys in the tree, poor baby J couldn't figure out how to join in

"Let's take an awkward selfie!" - Caroline, after snatching her sister's phone

J and I also had fun visiting Lowes. We had been discussing future appliances (read more about our house hunting list) and he thought a 2.2 cubic foot washing machine would be plenty. I disagreed because our bath sheets take up quite a bit of space. We solved the issue by looking into a floor model of that size and guess who was right? Me, of course. I prefer to do small loads of laundry, but the washing machine needs to be at least 3 cubic feet for our larger things. While I typically support locally owned stores, I think only our chain stores sell appliances in town. Regardless, J and I have no reason to purchase those sorts of things now, but it is always fun to discuss!

I also tried a new recipe today, totally made up by me (with help from J). I thought we had chicken defrosted, but it turned out to be small strips of pork tenderloin. J normally cooks pork in this household, but since he was working late I had to figure it out. I ended up coating it in a flour mixture (garlic powder, salt, cumin, black pepper), cooking it in olive oil and my cast iron on the stove top, and serving it with rice, greek yogurt, vinegar soaked cucumber, and black olives. Odd to some, but I loved it! J said I did not dry the pork out, which makes this my first successful pork meal - only took over a year of marriage.

Melinda and I have decided to make an effort to include more personal updates on Posh Purpose. We really enjoy reading these types of posts on our favorite blogs, and we hope you enjoy ours too! Did y'all have great weekends? I know Melinda's was busy but in a good way.

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