
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Goodwill Bust

Mr. 3 and I went to drop off our first round of Goodwill spring cleaning donations (aka the massive apartment purge of 2014.  These purges give Mr. 3 the shakes every time...evidently, I'm scary business when I'm in one of my "donating moods.")  We took them to a Goodwill location in Fairfax, VA.  In an effort to find more thrifty goodness in DC, we decided to go in for a quick tour around the store.  I was expecting to find a couple of things worth photographing, but I have nothing to post.  This Goodwill had heinous heavy dark wood furniture from the 80s and 90s that were marked really high.  Most of the pieces needed significant repair.  I found one OK-looking dresser, but it had a badly damaged drawer and they still had it priced at $150.

As far as the glassware, there was nothing really exciting to check out and it was all priced at $1.96 or higher per piece.  Even the plasticware was 96 cents, which was way overpriced considering you could go to the Dollar Tree and pick up brand new plasticware for only 4 cents more.

I spotted two pretty pictures, but they were $10 each and one definitely needed a new frame.  I wasn't in love with them enough for the high price tag.  I also didn't have anywhere to really hang them and again, I wasn't in love with them enough to just store them.

We found some okay-looking cufflinks for Mr. 3 for $4 (he said he liked them good enough for $4 and he has been known to loose a pair or two) and he found a book for $2.59, but those were our only takeaways.

Mr. 3's photo of his find.

I think overall the selection was boring and overpriced.  So all in all, it was a bust.  I'm checking out another thrift store this weekend that holds a lot more stay tuned!

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