
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Break Day 4

Before we get started on today's fun filled activities, we need to publish a retraction from our Sunday post.  I believe we wrote that "Melinda and I slaved over the stove" to make biscuits and gravy.  We want to give full disclosure and say that we were not slaving alone, my mom (aka Melinda's aunt) supervised our efforts and did a whole bunch of quality control and stirring of her own...also slaving over the oven.  Biscuits and gravy wouldn't have happened that night without her skills.  Sorry mom!

Today was great. The weather was beautiful and we actually made it to more than one store. Our thrifting adventures took us to the ARC and to the Boys and Girls Club where we discovered the 25 cent each glassware. Melinda picked up four old fashioned sized glasses and I found some adorable coffee cups. I also grabbed four small plates that coordinated really well. Overall, tons of fun.

They cleaned up really well

We ate supper at the Thai House, followed up with Dairy Queen, and spent the night chatting with my mom. Mr. 3 arrives tomorrow afternoon, but we are going to sneak a Habitat run in before he gets into town. Mom did some recon today and spotted two new trucks unloading at the store. We also have a dire need of angel food cake mix. Melinda can't find it in DC grocery stores, so I will be taking her to Publix so she can stock up.

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