
Monday, March 24, 2014

The Rest of Spring Break - A Brief Summary

Briana and I had a bit of trouble keeping up with our posts once Mr. 3 rolled into town.  We were all having far too much fun to get ourselves in front of the computer for even quick posting!  To give you the highlights of the rest of our Spring Break:

1. We made two more trips to Habitat.  Yes, that's right, we hit up Habitat three times in less than a week.  All successful and by successful, I mean lots of thrifty finds for us and lots of oggling over great finds that we would love to have.  I should mention that there was so much turnover and new items coming in, that we saw lots of new merchandise every time we went, but a lot of the items we looked at were gone...which just goes to show you have to check often and buy when you can!  I think I spent a total of $55 on my goodies. I'll post a round up this week (how exciting that I actually have a thrift store finds post to type up!).  However, my search for vintage Pyrex continues...luckily I have lots of other finds to comfort me.

2.  We oggled cute Florida 1920s houses with the hopes of finding a Briana and J a future home.

3.  We had a BLT double date complete with pineapple upside down cake in Briana's cute new pan she got for Christmas.  Briana also broke out all of her entertaining servingware that she got as wedding presents in our honor.  For a BLT party, it was very fancy pants.

4. We found a great antique store that had decently priced beautiful items that Briana will hopefully get to use as a resource once she has a permanent home and a place to put lots of lovely furniture.

5. Briana's mom and dad (aka my aunt and uncle) treated Mr. 3 and me to lunch a beautiful historical hotel with hands down the best fried chicken I've ever had.  Yum!  Thanks to my aunt and uncle for being wonderful hosts!

6. I spent loads of time playing with the baby (she just turned 1!) and visitin' with all my other cousins which was tons of fun and lots of laughs.

7.  Mr. 3 and I had a great time in Orlando, even though we had rain on our last full day and couldn't get out to the pool.  Whomp whomp.  I also got to see my best friend and we hit up the outlets for some retail therapy and lunch (shout out to Katie!  thanks for being a great friend and loyal Posh Purpose reader!).

All in all, it was a successful Spring Break 2014!  I keep trying to talk Briana into Fall Break....a year is far far too long to go without seeing one another!

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