
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Thrift Store Finds

Melinda and I found so many great things during our spring break thrifting excursions. I took pictures of so many things that I have to post them in installments to avoid a mile long blog post. As Melinda mentioned yesterday, we visited Habitat no less than three times that week and also sifted through tons of other stores. Good times were had by all.

We spotted this super cute set of metal canisters in decent shape at the beginning of the week. They would be adorable in a vintage kitchen or kid's room/bathroom. The price of $2.50 for the set was good, so I was surprised to still see them at the end of the week.

This antique bed was not priced, so we suspect the Habitat people sourced it out to a legitimate antique store. It was moved out of the building between our first and third trips, so someone must have been pretty interested in it. It would be a really awesome find if you are cool with having a custom sized mattress made, as the bed is not a standard size - not atypical of antiques.

This dresser has awesome hardware which immediately caught my attention. However, the drawers are not dovetailed which made the $80 price tag ridiculous. This item was still on the floor at the end of the week, probably because no legit central Florida thrifter would pay that much for a piece that isn't well made.

I loved this vintage toaster, which apparently works. And good luck finding a brand new toaster for $13! I was so tempted to buy it, but my current toaster works just fine. This isn't the sort of appliance I leave sitting out so I didn't feel justified in switching it out for a more stylish version.

This Haviland china set was in good condition and pretty close to complete. The price was $150, which included serving for 8 (minus one soup bowl and two cups and saucers) along with a coffe pot, sugar (missing lid) and creamer, a gravy boat with saucer, and a serving platter and bowl. Again, somebody swiped this set between our first and third visits. Lucky them!

I kept obsessing over this orangey bowl. I don't know why it kept drawing me in, especially considering I don't like orange. I think it was the shiny iridescent finish. The bowl was still hanging around, priced at $8, when we made our third trip.

Some lucky Habitater snatched up this chair. It had been priced at $40 and the velvety fabric was in great condition, as was the caning. Mom and I both considered it and our friend even offered it up for a discounted $30, but we passed. I couldn't imagine where it would possibly fit it into the teeny tiny apartment and Mother didn't want to take on that in depth reupholstering job - while the condition of the fabric was great, the color was not to our personal styles.

I think 7 or so items is a good number to show off our awesome thrift store finds without overwhelming y'all (and myself!) so I will stop for now. Catch up on my other thrift store finds and check back for our next few installments! Melinda will be writing her very first post in this series very soon!

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