
Thursday, April 3, 2014

2014 Goals Update

Since March is officially over, it is time for me to reflect on how well (or poorly) I have been working towards my 2014 goals. February's update was decent, not great. Turns out March wasn't much better.

Beauty: I had a 1960's style bouffant in March. That was fun, but it also took me five days to get all the tangles out.

Health: Zumba is fun and we have been eating plenty of fresh produce. J got a little carried away with unhealthy meats since March is his birthday month, but we are back on track now. We stopped by Costco and picked up ground turkey at a wonderful price and will be making turkey burgers tonight! Yum my favorite! I have to bribe J with promises of fresh mozzarella and basil. Looking forward, April should be a pretty good produce month as well. My local farm has giant cabbages for $1.50 each. 

Finance: We totally went over our budget for March, but that was mainly because we ended our AT&T contract early to switch to T-Mobile. The math made sense and we should be making back the early termination fee over the next few months. Our grocery bill was also more than I like to spend because we went to Costco, but again we will make up for it in April. I don't expect to buy meat until the last bit of the month. As for our businesses, we have seen steady growth. We invoiced far more than our living expenses in March! Of course, we are still waiting to receive payments for a lot of it but since J worked so hard to save since graduating, we aren't dying for those checks to come in. It is so wonderful that we aren't in a position where we are stressing about a client's net 30 or net 60 terms.

Spiritual: J and I went to mass with my parents. My dad was raised Catholic and Mom decided to try it out. I haven't been to church other than that, though.

Creative: I made arrangements to start a sewing class with the family friend who always alters my clothes. We tentatively scheduled for May and I am very excited! I have also made progress on one of my Habitat projects! I hope to finish a major step tonight after Zumba.

Intellectual: I finished Hound of the Baskervilles, another Sherlock book, and downloaded Benjamin Franklin's autobiography. I also started another Sherlock book, so lots of reading going on. I spent quite a bit of March researching software for my paint store and learned a lot about POS systems. 

Blog: I have been keeping up with thrift store finds, which is still great fun for me. Melinda and I also decided to include a bit more personal posts about how we spend our weekends and such. I also want to do some more in depth budgeting posts since I have learned so much over the past year.

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