
Friday, April 18, 2014

Briana's Easter Plans

While Melinda is putting on a fabulous Easter potluck for all her friends, I will be doing the exact opposite. My parents are taking the whole family to the grande buffet at our favorite local hotel. Remember when Melinda  mentioned the best fried chicken she has ever had? Yeah, it is that buffet.

Normally, we have lunch at my parents' house, followed up by a huge Easter egg hunt for all the grandchildren. Last year we deviated slightly by having our local Cuban eatery cater the meal - that was great! Mom didn't have to wake up super early to cook for the great hoard. But since we had to reschedule the Easter egg hunt to a more convenient day, Mom thought it would be fun to eat some fried chicken and, more importantly, skip the cooking/clean up that goes along with feeding my large family.

Last Easter, Baby Jillian was only a few weeks old so she mostly slept. But since she is over one year, she may actually participate in the egg hunt. Little kids and egg hunts are the best!

Mom and Baby Jillian, Easter 2013

Melinda and I hope y'all have a wonderful Easter! See you on Monday!

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