
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Building My Dream House on Pinterest

Melinda and I recently reorganized our pin boards. Thank goodness we made it a group project, because sorting through thousands of pins is not a task to be tackled alone. We learned a lot about our tastes and how they have changed over our years. And yes, some pins were deleted due to those changing tastes.

Another outcome is my Dream House pin board. While I have a board for kitchens and a board for everything else that could be considered home decor, a few of my already pinned images jumped out at me more than the others. I decided to create the dream house pin board to discover potential themes in my absolute favorite ideas. My home decor madness pin board is all over the place in style and colors (although not many patterns) but the dream house board is much more cohesive. I would describe it as art deco with an industrial flair.

After choosing these pictures as a preview of my pin board, I realized they do not convey my love of color whatsoever. Apparently I pinned based on architectural qualities and obviously the shininess factor. I suppose imagine these shapes with the color scheme in my chair project post plus maybe some emerald green and navy. My tastes will continue to develop over time but at least I know I am capable of a cohesive vision for a dream house, should I ever build one.

Do you ever have self realizations via social media? Or are you off the black hole that is Pinterest? By the way, Mel and I love dream boards so please share your links!

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