
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Few Updates

Melinda has officially moved into her new apartment and started her new job! Probably the best news from her new adventures is that Richmond is significantly warmer than DC, so yay for freezing less. She is working out a few storage issues, but so far is enjoying the new city.

We were supposed to close on our house last Wednesday, but the bank still has to clear the title of liens. Fortunately, this is not a huge deal as the liens are from the local code enforcement board which is usually pretty straight forward. At first, this setback was a bit annoying but I have been using this time to figure out the details of our first remodeling project! We are going to redo the main bathroom and hopefully bring back some character from the 1930's. There is nothing original in the bathroom and the things in place are not great. I've found options for tile and plumbing fixtures. I', considering going shopping for antique lighting this weekend to bring a bit of old back into the room.

We are going to attempt a consistent but light blogging schedule while Melinda adjusts to her exciting new routine and I sort out house things. The goal is for Posh Purpose to not turn into the blog of Briana's house, but there will be an increase in that category as it is my main focus. You may also notice a decrease in How to Host posts on Melinda's side until she gets more settled, but maybe she will share some more about staying organized? She also has an entirely new set of thrift and antique stores to explore and share!

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