
Monday, February 2, 2015

Checking in from Richmond

Hey Posh Purpose readers!  We are finally ready to ease back into posting this week.  I'm about 85% unpacked and I've been working at my new job for two weeks now.  It's been a huge learning curve, but I'm really enjoying the people, the office environment, and working in a new field.  I've switched over from focusing on law enforcement issues to health care, but I think it is going to be a great change!

Mr. 3 and I are renting an apartment for a year while we get used to the area and consider what we might want for a house.  I'm already stalking the real estate listings and trying to find out more on the school systems (for future bambinos - way in the future mind you.).

Otherwise, we are enjoying exploring the neighborhoods.  I've found a ton of thrift stores, consignment shops, and cute boutiques.  The craigslist scene here is insanely good!  Briana has been getting constant texts and emails - she's pretty sure I could outfit an entire house through craigslist.  We've tried out two different churches, but we are still on the hunt.  We have also been to a few restaurants and haven't been disappointed yet!

Briana and I have been discussing what we are going to focus on the next year for Posh Purpose.  Of course, Briana is going to have her hands full with making her new house her own, but she still plans to continue other posts like Thrift Store Finds and makeup reviews to Posh Purpose.  I will probably be doing less entertaining this year because our Richmond apartment is much smaller and I'd rather put party money towards parties in a future house.  However, Mr. 3 got me awesome new garden shears for Christmas (among other things), so I still plan on doing flower arrangements for my own enjoyment rather than decorating for a par-tay.  I'll also be sharing all my exploring around Richmond including restaurant and shopping reviews and Thrift Store Finds.  We definitely have not changed our minds about the purpose of Posh Purpose and we want you to keep joining in on the fun!

Thanks for reading!

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