
About Us

One fateful day, Briana contacted her cousin (and fellow Sigma Kappa sister) Melinda with a proposition. Briana was willing to provide constant entertainment for free access to Melinda's couch during a summer internship.  Briana scrubbed Melinda's bathroom, consumed mass amounts of summer produce with Melinda (we <3 berries!), refused to unpack her bags all summer long, and most importantly, introduced Melinda to a fun, new game..."Let's Plan a Wedding."  Up until that point in Melinda's life, she had only played "Let's Get You Into College for Your Future Career."  After bonding over a mutual love for fluffy flowers, silk wedding gowns, and yummy cake, Melinda and Briana put their game into practice when planning both of their weddings in 2012 and thus Posh Purpose began.

Since that time, Melinda and Briana have talked for hours and spent many a gchat devoted towards decorating, cooking/baking, and party planning.  This duo has decided to start Posh Purpose blog with the idea of sharing their common sense (yet fun!) approach to living poshly and purposefully.  We wrote a bit more about our blogging motivations and our Posh Purpose lifestyle, if you want to learn more.

You can follow Posh Purpose via Bloglovin', our favorite way to organize new blog posts. Enjoy!